We are pleased to provide downloadable versions of the resources listed below. You may feel free to print extra copies of any of these files. Just be sure to add any copyright information provided for that particular piece or, if there isn’t any, please add a copyright line that says “Copyright by Silent Blessings Deaf Ministries, Indianapolis IN.”  Bound copies of The Shattering the Silence booklet may be purchased through our store. We hope that these will be of benefit to you.

Printed resources

“A World We Never Knew Existed”
Transcript of Marshall’s Focus on the Family
“Building Deaf Ministries that Work”
Advice from experienced Deaf pastors and church planters.
Shattering the Silence
Testimonies from Deaf and hard-of-hearing Christians.
Silent Blessings Brochure
Trifold double-sided brochure about Silent Blessings and the need that drives us.
Click Here to read easily online.
“Culture Study: Ministry to the Deaf Community”
A Bible study written by Janeen Jarrell focused on understanding Deaf culture and common problems in Deaf ministry.
Part of the re:Connect curriculum, pages 32-35.
Invisible and Unseen…for How Much Longer?
Ruth Anna Spooner expresses her thoughts on the current state of Deaf ministry in America.

Audio Spots

Think With Me
Thirty and sixty second radio spots that encourage listeners to consider life, communication, and faith from a visual-only perspective.

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